Breaking NEWS:
Sad News : just in LSEMWRSM B J Affleck died 29Jan 2025 Ted was a long term member of the SAA-QLD. Ted didn't want a traditional Funeral, he just wanted his ashes to be scattered on the Submariners Walk in Brisbane. He was a plank owner on HMAS OVENS
Links for additional Information :Eternal Patrol 2025
A/g Deputy Chief of Navy, Commodore Eric Young handed over deputy duties to Rear Admiral Matt Buckley AM, CSC, RAN. Submariners now hold the two top positions in the RAN, BZ from the SAA
SAA Members
I would like acknowledge the work of Gary Redman and the submarine community for their efforts on the recent Australia Day weekend, this event has become a must do on the calendar each year and participation has grown every year.
I am sure that Morrie and the Holbrook team appreciate the working bee and fund raising that goes along with the weekend, as well as giving HMAS Otway a much need spruce up each year.
Of course not discounting the boost to the community, in particular the Pub and RSL.
This event is brings together submariners who may not get to SUBCONs or other more organised events during the year and from all the pictures and reports I have received the weekend was a tremendous success and if you are interested please look out for Gary’s invite for next year, but by all accounts book in early.
I would also like to take this opportunity remind all SUBCON 25 will be upon us soon so please keep up to date via the website and see you in Wollongong in Oct.
Please, also remember that this year is an election year so think about putting your name forward for positions on the SAA Executive
David Strangward,
SAA National President
Australia Day to Holbrook 2025
Sunday BBQ with over 110 old submariners and their families

Saturday work party for the beautification of Otway and the surrounding park
SAA presentation to WOCOXNSN Lyle Martin at Holbrook Australia Day 2025 SAA_presentation
SUBCON 2025 : Information now has its own page access by the link above on the task bar.
AGM Minutes : Available on the link bar under SAA Policy Docments |
Submariners worldwide are a special breed, rarely understood by
mere mortals and never understood by skimmers. Submariners of all
nations understand this and show respect to each other, knowing the
hardship and danger that each has faced to achieve membership to
that elite club to which they belong.
The Association's aims and goals are:
•To keep alive the
unique esprit de corps of the Submarine Service;
establish and maintain a charitable trust, being a welfare
•To assist one another as occasion may require
and to encourage social activities;
•To liaise with kindred
organisations, both nationally and internationally; and,
educate members about their entitlements and provide access to
Department of Veterans' Affairs advocates
Association maintains a close relationship with several overseas
Submariners' Associations. Membership is open to all submariners, regardless of the Navy in which they served.
SAA National President Message
As the year comes to an end I would like to, on behalf of the National and State Committees, wish all SAA members and their families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
It has been a busy year for the SAA with a great SUBCON in QLD, our web site back up and running.
On the subject of SUBCON, NSW have stepped in to organise SUBCON 25 and there will be more news on the plans etc in the New Year.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the National Committee for all the work they have done this year, much of it behind the scenes.
Our Vice Pres Tony Vine has also worked hard to update our constitution which has needed a lot of work as it has been many years between updates.
Tony has also been able to track down members details and update the Eternal Patrol details as a number of submariners details were incorrect.
Also a big year in the Navy with both senior positions now being filled by submariners, with Mark Hammond as CN and Matt Buckley as DCN so we know the Navy id in good hands.
I was also honoured to be invited to Matt Ritchie’s promotion to CDRE, in early December he has come a long way since his time as a baby greenie in HMAS Onslow.
Of course the AUKUS project is gathering momentum and hopefully in the not too distant future we may have some USN submariners join the association as they move to the West.
Just a reminder that next year is an election year for the National Executive, so please have a think about stepping up and putting your name forward for a position if not for one of the National positions then maybe on your state committees as I see the same names year after year doing a great job in their respective states.
So in closing please keep safe and I look forward to catching up in 2025.
Cheers David Strangward, AM SAA National President
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