


SAA Policy Documents


Reason for Policy Documents

The reason for this page is to provide the SAA Membership with access to the policy documents that manage the Submarines Association Australia.

One of our fundamental problems is that there is effectively nothing below the Constitution and its by-laws with respect to how the Association runs.

That has lead to a myriad of problems, including but not limited to;
The National Officers not being made aware of the death of a member, but also what assistance can be given to families.

Confusion over the processing of membership applications

We currently have three approved policies:
Communications Information,
Sale of Merchandise
and the SAA policy on Memorials.


Submarines Association Australia Subscriptions Fees 

Membership Application  

Joining fee all categories $20.00

 1 Year Subscription $10.00

 5 Year Subscription $40.00 

25 Year Subscription $175.00

 Forward this application and payment to: 

Mr John Rana, National Treasurer 

5 Mirror Cove Waikiki WA 6169 

 Phone: 0402 143 211 Email:

 Details for Payment by EFT:

 Bank: Aust Military Bank Name:

 Submarines Assoc Aust

 Account: 100125212

 BSB: 642 170


Communications and Information Management Policy

Policy on SAA Memorabilia and sales

Policy on Establishing Memorials

Membership Application forms download